Special Offers
Make your stay at The Palace Hotel one to remember with our extensive list of special offers. Keep an eye on this page, follow us on social media or subscribe to our mailing list to be the first to know about our unbeatable accommodation, leisure and dining experiences.
At The Palace Hotel Get something in the diary to…
At The Palace Hotel Make the most of Paignton, book…
Stay 4 nights and only pay for 3! OR Stay 3 nights and only pay for 2! Throughout January to March!
Indulge in Radiance: Discover the Ultimate Facial Treatments at the…
Indulge in the Majesty of The Palace Hotel Step into…
Indulge in Luxury for a Night with Our Exclusive Offer…
Escape to Royalty at The Palace Hotel Indulge in an…
Available daily 9am – 5pm A warm lazy day welcome…
Surrounded by breathtaking sea views, you can choose to take…
Indulgence Packages
For her & for him to Enjoy an afternoon tea for two, A b...
For him to enjoy a voucher worth £20 to use from our Bar &a...
For her to enjoy, a box of tempting chocolates in the room a...